Bauera Rose Carpet

Bauera Rose Carpet

Bauera rubioides prostrate x sessiliflora

Here’s a plant with a real design edge ~ the pattern could be used for a carpet in the house as well as in the garden.  Background foliage is mid green and slightly furry, with an overlay of bronze new growth. Dotted across throughout the year are magenta-pink, mini-rose-shaped flowers. With homes expanding and garden space squeezed, this colourful, tough plant should be high on every design list.  With a spread of 50cm to a metre and almost prostrate, Bauera Rose Carpet will adapt to most climates, including semi arid if given an extra drink.  It’s perfect beside the sea too. For landscapers looking for inspiration, think Bauera Rose Carpet for the next median strip or roundabout design, long banks and broadscale  planting schedules.

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