Pelargonium Edna Walling Pop Up Pelargonium striatellum An attractive groundcover with the ability to pop up amongst other plants in your garden, and in tight spaces such as path edges and between rocks. For most of the year it’ll bloom with delicate pink...
Westringia Silver Lining Westringia brevifolia Attractive ground cover with small, silver-grey leaves that are tightly packed on the stems. White flowers appear in winter and spring. Suited to temperate climates and most well-drained sandy, loam or clay soils....
Snow Phoenix Ptilotus prostrate A compact and low growing to prostrate perennial that grows 10cm high by 40cm across. It flowers in spring and sporadically all year producing compact heads that are 2cm in diameter and are white with cerise throat. Best suited to drier...
Myoporum White Myoporum parvifolium A prostrate groundcover with slightly aromatic green leaves. White, starry flowers with small purple spots appear singly or in clusters from spring through to autumn. Ideal as a groundcover for dry sites and embankments. The small...
Myoporum Pink Myoporum parvifolium A fast-growing, evergreen groundcover with fine green leaves. Small, pink starry flowers appear in spring and through summer. Ideal as a groundcover for dry sites and embankments. The small flowers make it ideal for cottage garden...