MIFGS 2012 – Marnie Lewis Design – “Nord”

MIFGS 2012 – Marnie Lewis Design – “Nord”

This garden certainly stopped many people in their tracks. It won Gold this year for its unique style and different take on outdoor living. There was not so much a focus on plants, but more on the beautiful timber decking, sweet family “retreat” and of course the...
MIFGS 2012 – Paal Grant – “The Conversation Garden”

MIFGS 2012 – Paal Grant – “The Conversation Garden”

Warm, intimate, and cosy, The Conversation Garden certainly was all of these things and more. Simply beautiful, this garden hosted warm colours and lots of round structure and space; a place for talking, and sharing food and company. Paal allowed me to wander free...
MIFGS 2012 – MJD Landscapes and Design – “Odyssey”

MIFGS 2012 – MJD Landscapes and Design – “Odyssey”

Landscape designer, Matthew Daly, was a newcomer to MIFGS this year. Based in Perth, the team decided to challenge themselves after winning first prize last year at Garden Week in WA. They have been inspired to continue to design for MIFGS and work their way up in the...