Looking to enjoy some of Aussie flora indoors? These flowers make excellent additions to any vase and will add some pops of colour to your room!
To keep your flowers looking fresher for longer:
1. Always use sharp secateurs/scissors to avoid bruising the stem.
2. Cut flowers in the coolest part of the day to lengthen bloom time.
3. Add cold water for your flowers to look their best.
4. A sprinkle of sugar to your water will give your flowers a boost!
Grevillea Orange Box (pictured)
Fruity and fun, bright orange clusters that bloom all year round. You can grow this one in a pot by your back door, so the flowers are readily accessible.
Leptospermum Starry Night
Elegant, dark purple (almost black) leaves with pure white flowers. This would look absolutely breath-taking in a modern vase, and would be sure to attract compliments.
Crowea Edna Walling
Featuring candy-pink star flowers during summer, autumn and early winter. The aromatic foliage is a nice touch as well. Place in a small, dainty vase for a cheery pick-me-up.
Dianella Cherry Red
Graceful, long flower stems with lots of blue and yellow flowers. These flowers are long lasting and just lovely! Would suit a taller vase for an interesting look!
Lomandra Long John Silver
Even though Lomandras are commonly used in the garden, they would make an excellent long-lasting addition to a vase. Yellow, coarse flowers on a rigid stem. We’d love to see more of these indoors!
Anigozanthos Clear Red
If you can bear clipping these off, Kangaroo Paws make an excellent cut-flower that will last for ages! You only need a couple in a simple vase for a big statement.