Grevillea Tucker Time Peach Blush

Grevillea Tucker Time Peach Blush

Grevillea Tucker Time  Peach Blush Grevillea rosmarinifolia x alpina Grevillea Peach Blush is as tough as it is beautiful. Grevillea Peach Blush is a small fine foliaged shrub with bunches of long-lasting peach-red & yellow flowers displayed from autumn to...
Isopogon Little Drumsticks

Isopogon Little Drumsticks

Isopogon Little Drumsticks Isopogon anemonifolius selected form The buds on short stems are suggestive of Isopogon Little Drumsticks and this compact, versatile plant is something to ‘beat the drum about’. Whether in the ground tucked amongst bold rock work or in an...
Leptospermum Mozzie Blocker (PBR)

Leptospermum Mozzie Blocker (PBR)

Leptospermum Mozzie Blocker Leptospermum liversidgei ‘BY11’ Keep mozzies at bay by planting Leptospermum Mozzie Blocker near to where you spend those warm nights on decks or around the barbecue. If you want move them from one area to another, plant in...
Callistemon Cherry Time

Callistemon Cherry Time

Callistemon Cherry Time Callistemon subulatus x citrinus Remember the icypoles we got on the way home from school on a hot summer’s day? Callistemon Cherry Time is exactly that colour. Bright, beautiful, red! But now it’s the honeyeaters’ turn for their treat. Plant a...
Grevillea Jubilee

Grevillea Jubilee

Grevillea Jubilee™ Grevillea alpina x rosmarinifolia You can hedge your bets on Jubilee™, for this dense colourful shrub will fill in those awkward narrow areas between pathway and fenceline.   Even in semishade, the waxy golden-red honey-rich flowers constantly draw...