Fire Resistant Plants & Backyard Maintenance

Fire Resistant Plants & Backyard Maintenance

Australia is a beautiful place to live and we’re so blessed to have our unique flora and fauna. Unfortunately we’re also prone to bushfire, which we’ve seen has catastrophic and devastating affects. We wish to share with you a fantastic study...
Bring Your Potting Mix To LIFE

Bring Your Potting Mix To LIFE

Our favourite plants can stay in their pots for a very long time, especially if they’re slow growing. We can choose the highest quality potting mix, but as time goes by the nutrients can be used up by the plant and the media loses it’s structure and...
Creating a Bee-autiful Garden

Creating a Bee-autiful Garden

As one of the most important pollinators in nature, it’s vital that we provide green spaces for bees. Our gardens can be a great source of nectar, pollen, water and building materials with a bit of thought and planning. Here are our tips: Long Flowering...
Warming Up This Winter

Warming Up This Winter

As the days get shorter and nights get cooler, it seems a shame to lessen your outdoor time. We’ve been inspired and completely besotted by outdoor fireplaces! There’s heaps of elements that they can bring to a garden – a beautiful feature, a sense...
A Rainbow Of Recharge

A Rainbow Of Recharge

Searles have really given us the ultimate fertiliser with their amazing new product, Recharge. It begins by delivering water and nutrients straight to the root zone with Penetraide, and getting rid of any water repellency. Old soils often become quite hydrophobic and...